Friday, March 03, 2006


Locking Bathroom

For the first roommate story, I will recount the story that inspired the creation of this blog. Yesterday one of my roommates, I'm not sure who because he was nice and just left after committing this stupid act, left the bathroom and locked the door from the inside before leaving. There is no key to the lock, so the door was locked from the inside with no one in there. If you make a mistake and lock the door shut, at least have the courtesy to try and open it yourself instead of leaving your roommates to do it.

Leander and I spent about an hour to get this door open. We had to partially pry open the door frame and use a variety of metal objects to finally get the door open. It may seem like this shouldn't have to be said, at least to a rational person, but I felt compelled to leave a note on the door saying, "Do NOT lock and then close the door. Thanks."

How long have you been on the green orb? Not that long huh! You must have no siblings. You have never locked a bathroom door either it seems.
There is a reason that there is no key required for a bathroom door. The lock is only designed to be used to prevent inadvertent embarrassing incidents not to keep out intruders.
Follow my directions very carefully. Go lock the bathroom door and close it from the outside. Find a long thin object such as a small Phillips screwdriver, even a strong toothpick will work, and push it into the hole in the center of the doorknob. A miracle will transpire and you can now turn the knob and open the door.
Hallelujah, hallelujah, praise the lord, and I did it from a far away time zone. I think I will call Benedict and seek instant sainthood.
There is no hole in the center of the knob.
Then you have a code violation.
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