Wednesday, March 15, 2006


First Submitted Entry!

Here is the first ever submitted entry at Stupid Roommates, sent in to us by "Kiwi":

You know you hear stories about various food left in the fridge? Well I have a housemate who enjoys cooking. Which is all fine and dandy until you see how much he makes in one sitting. For just one person, he makes enough to feed an army.. And I mean pots full or sometimes 2 pots full!!! Not only does it take up obscene amount of fridge space, but most of the food usually goes bad before he can finish it. Sometimes he'll even eat the food that's very VERY iffy, cause he believes that to waste food is bad. Even if the food was bad to begin with.. But hey, to each their own, sometimes you make food and forget about it, no biggy, we are all guilty of that once in a while. However, I would think that a grown man, who prides himself on wanting to be a chef one day should know that you do NOT leave raw meat out in the fridge for more than 1 day. Sometimes if the meat hasn't been handled you can probably get away with keeping it raw for up to 2 days.... Well, was I in for a surprise.

2 weeks ago, housemate A had his girlfriend over and decided to cook a special meal of eggplants/cheese/spicy lamb casserole, or at least it looked like a casserole. True to his nature, he goes and makes enough to fill 2 full casserole dishes. One he baked that night and the other he "made" and left uncooked in the fridge. At first i thought, whatever he'll probably cook the second dish soon enough.... Fast forward 2 weeks later, low and behold the same raw dish is still in the fridge! By now you guys can probably guess how bad it looks what with eggplant and meat that's probably contaminated breading in one dish. So A decides to dispose of it.. RIGHT INTO THE GARBAGE IN OUR KITCHEN.. that's right, as you can imagine at this point how stinky that whole concoction is... Dumped it right in the kitchen and just left it there. Then when I got home, he had the atrocity to come by and ask me to wash my dishes cause it was stinking up the house!!! First of all, I rinse all my dishes right after I'm done with it, then after 4-5 plates build up I do one big load (do dishes about every other day).. so there isn't any leftover food to STINK up the house.. AND I know EXACTLY what's stinking up the house, the freaking garbage, so why doesn't HE take out the garbage for once??? I just cleaned the entire house and kitchen last weekend, whereas A hasn't done ANY cleaning since I got back in January. And HE complains that me and housemate C are the ones that's making the house dirty...

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