Tuesday, March 21, 2006


Vacuum Cleaner Meets Stupid Roommate

This is our 3rd submitted post, sent in by BAGUM

We were moving out of our suite in a rental house and the landlord left us a canister vacuum cleaner to use while we were there. My roomie was cleaning her bedroom carpet and there were spots of make-up, talc, lotion - you name it around her dresser area. She wetted the area with soapy water (mistake) which drove the substances deeper into the carpet and then used the vacuum cleaner to suck up the mess. This was not wet/dry shop vac.

What happened next is the soapy water is sucked into the bag with the rest of the dirt and the exhaust air is projected downwards below the canister driving all that dirty water that has passed through the contents of the bag back into another location on the carpet leaving a huge stain. She discovers her mistake and what does she do? She tries to vacuum up the last puddle of grimy water from the carpet but by this time the paper filter bag has turned to mush and nearly all the contents are projected into the carpet creating a THIRD soggy mess.

She did a pretty sloppy job of cleanup with a roll of toilet paper which is designed to break down in water. It was a mess. Further more she didn't empty the vacuum and i opened it a few days later and GAWD what a smell. She was and probably still is a major DUMBASS. We lost a chunk of our deposit over that.

No, I am no longer friends with her.

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