Wednesday, March 22, 2006


Where's the Beef?

When I saw a former roommate had e-mailed in, I got worried it would be about me. Luckily it was about a roommate at a different house. Here is Mark's submission:

One summer term, I was living out the last four months of a contract and my landlord (and his other tenants) weren’t going to be around for the summer. One of my roommates managed to find a subletter, so I figured it’d be cool…two of us in a house for the summer. Over the course of the summer, I noticed my food supply disappearing faster than I was eating it. A couple of examples: I bought a box of burgers and didn’t eat A SINGLE ONE OF THEM; buying ice cream and having it be half-eaten the first time you go to have a bowl. Needless to say I was relatively pissed. So, I talked to my roommate. Tried to be polite; mentioned that I had a whole box of missing burgers and half of my ice cream was missing. His response: Someone must have broken in and stolen them. Right. Someone breaks into a house and steals ice cream and hamburgers, but doesn’t take the computers, TVs, stereos, etc. in the house, let alone the cash this guy’s got visible on the shelf that’s right beside the bedroom door.

You’d think this is all, but it wasn’t. I ended up talking to the landlord a couple of months after the contract had expired and I had moved out only to find out that the neighbours had called the police TWICE in the same night (I wasn’t home that night, obviously) near the end of classes because this guy was throwing a party in the BASEMENT in which he was making enough noise to keep the neighbours on BOTH SIDES OF THE HOUSE awake. Adding insult to injury, this roommate and his guests were throwing their beer caps in the one neighbour’s above ground pool, destroying the liner. Oh, and this guy still owes me about $100 for phone and internet usage (he didn’t pay a single penny on either all term).

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