Friday, March 24, 2006


You think a half-hour shower is bad...

It's sure a good thing that there're two bathrooms in this house. Because, (what seems like) every weekend day from 12-2, the one downstairs is unavailable for use. Is that because that's when the maid cleans it? Damn, I wish. No, it's because the guy next door and (at least one of) his girlfriend(s) (see references below to the Mystery Girl) tag-team the bathroom. Yes, for two hours; I timed them once, just to be sure.

Goes like this:
*room door open* *room door close* *bathroom door close* *sound of water running for a few minutes* *silence for a few minutes* *bathroom door open* *room door open* *room door close* *room door open* *room door close* *bathroom door close* *sound of water running for a few minutes* *silence for a few minutes* *bathroom door open* *room door open* *room door close* *room door open* *room door close* *bathroom door close* *sound of water running for a few minutes* *silence for a few minutes* *bathroom door open* *room door open* *room door close* and so on for the remainder of the time.

C'mon people, most people take a 5 minute coffee break at work every few hours. I know you're hard at work doing something in there (like spitting toothpaste on the mirror and then letting it drip and harden (but that's another story)), so please join a union so that the rest of us can actually get in.

I can see how that is a problem. Now, the people I live with also uses the bathroom in the same way. Mostly in the night, when I want to sleep. I need my sleep, getting up at six in the morning for work, Going to the bathroom seven times an hour, after my, and theirs, bedtime, when the bathroom is directly past my door, should be avoided, and if you really have to, do not slam the doors, do not walk like an elefant, and do not yell across the hall. And what can you possibly be doing in there anyway, after having spent 1 hour in there before I could get in there before bedtime, every single day? I use ten minutes, so the only logical thing to do would be to let me go first anyhow, instead of running off into the bathroom and locking the door as soon as I say goodnight..
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